Red Wave Times
Politics Woke

Epic: Kamala Campaign Caught Faking McDonald’s Pic

Over the weekend, Democrats launched a peculiar effort to prove Kamala Harris had once worked at McDonald’s, releasing a photo allegedly showing Harris in a fast-food uniform. The image was intended to silence skeptics who doubted her story of working at the burger chain, a tale that became part of the political discourse after Donald Trump held a McDonald’s shift on Harris’ birthday. Oddly enough, McDonald’s itself has stated it has no employment records to confirm Harris’s alleged tenure at the fry station, adding fuel to the fire of speculation.

The photo itself seems innocent at first glance, showing a young woman in a blue uniform, badges and all, standing proudly. But here’s the rub: closer inspection shows unmistakable signs of digital manipulation. A nearly identical image featuring a different young woman in the same McDonald’s uniform surfaced online alongside the “Harris” photo, revealing clear signs of Photoshop. It appears Democrats went so far as to photoshop Harris’s face onto an image of an unknown McDonald’s worker in hopes of putting this mini-controversy to rest.

Instead of helping, the clumsy photo edit has only spurred ridicule, giving Republicans plenty of amusement and ammunition. Critics have pointed out that if they had to fabricate an image to support her claims, maybe they should have at least chosen someone who resembles Harris. As it is, they opted to use a picture of a white woman—a choice that only heightens the absurdity of the situation.

It’s quite the move from Democrats, who seem to believe that concocting proof was the way to restore Harris’s credibility. The attempt to dismiss the controversy without a legitimate image has only heightened suspicion, prompting a wave of mockery from Republicans. The questionable Photoshop job and the choice to circulate it as fact don’t seem to have quite the intended effect Democrats were hoping for—if anything, they’ve underscored the skepticism about the VP’s credibility.

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