Red Wave Times

Kamala Gaffe Just Made the Best Argument for Trump

What happened on The View with Kamala Harris was something that even the Trump campaign probably couldn’t have scripted better if they tried. Let’s backtrack for a second. Recently, it’s been obvious that the Trump team has made it a priority to hammer Harris as an extension of the disastrous Biden-Harris administration. Voters are tired, frustrated, and looking for change, and Trump’s crew knows it. Instead of diving into Harris’ extreme views, they’ve chosen to highlight her as the face of a failed status quo. The kicker? Democrats are apparently terrified of this exact narrative, and Harris waltzed right into a media blitz in an attempt to counter it.

The stage was set: Harris appeared on The View, which might be the most friendly, fluff-filled show she could have chosen. It wasn’t 60 Minutes or some tough grilling—this was a lovefest from the start. She was introduced as “the next President of the United States” to thunderous applause from a room packed with adoring New York liberals. It was about as safe an environment as a candidate could hope for, and yet, it still didn’t go as planned. One of the hosts tossed her a question that probably seemed like a softball, asking if there was anything Harris would have done differently from Biden. Harris’ answer? A total facepalm moment for her campaign.

You’d think that with all the disasters under the Biden administration—Afghanistan, the border crisis, inflation—Harris would at least try to show a little independence. But no, she stared blankly and declared there wasn’t “one thing” she’d have done differently. Not one. It’s as if she looked at all the chaos of the last four years and thought, “Yeah, we nailed it.” Trump’s campaign didn’t even have to twist her words—it was served to them on a silver platter. Instead of positioning herself as even slightly distinct from Biden, she doubled down, claiming she’s been influential in this “blemish-free” administration.

What’s even more stunning is that she had a chance to recover. Harris could have easily spun it by saying something diplomatic like, “I’m not going to second-guess the President, but we’ve had our disagreements in private, and I’ll leave it at that.” But nope, she dug in, eyes glazed over, and repeated the same tune. Even when Stephen Colbert gave her another opportunity to fix her flub later that day, she delivered a bland, meaningless word salad about how she’s “not physically Joe Biden” and is “inspired by Americans’ aspirations.” Inspiring stuff, right? Not so much. It’s clear she’s unprepared for obvious questions and can’t even adjust when she fumbles.

Harris’ “media blitz” turned into a complete mess, and it’s unlikely to help her polling numbers, which are already shaky. While this isn’t a fatal mistake—let’s be real, about 46 percent of the electorate will vote for her no matter what—it doesn’t help her win over swing voters. If the undecided crowd is leaning toward change, Harris’ unshakable loyalty to the Biden agenda might just be the final nail in the coffin. Trump couldn’t have asked for a better gift if he tried.

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