Red Wave Times
Big Govt Politics President

Obama ‘Hope’ Artist Switches to Trump Support!

It has often been said that all politics are local. This means that grassroots issues often carry more weight than state or national matters. Another interpretation is that people only truly awaken to political issues when they are directly affected by them. This personal impact often becomes the catalyst for a significant change in perspective.

This is exactly what happened with Allison Huynh. Once a major Democratic fundraiser and donor, Huynh channeled millions into the party. Today, she stands as a supporter of Donald Trump. Huynh recently expressed to Fox News her disappointment with President Biden, accusing him of being “asleep at the wheel.” She criticized his handling of Big Tech and the deterioration of San Francisco, pointing out the lack of grocery stores and malls and the unsafe streets filled with fentanyl users.

Huynh’s shift is telling. She and her ex-husband, a Google programmer, were once staunch believers in the Obama vision and contributed significantly to his campaign. While she hasn’t officially joined the GOP, the disillusionment with Biden’s business policies has led her to support Trump and attend fundraisers at Mar-A-Lago. Biden’s policies, she argues, are driving tech start-ups offshore and hindering entrepreneurs through excessive legislation and litigation. In contrast, she praises Trump for his support of business owners and his push for lower taxes for new tech companies.

Disenchanted with the Democratic Party’s current direction, Huynh is shedding her left-wing memorabilia, including a JFK-owned rocking chair and the original Obama “Hope” artwork by Shepard Fairey, which she purchased for over $1 million. This symbolic act underscores her shift in allegiance and her deep dissatisfaction with Biden’s presidency.

It might be tempting to tell Huynh, “Glad you finally figured it out,” given that many have been struggling under these policies for years. However, her change of heart is crucial in the broader effort to unseat Biden and address the systemic issues plaguing our nation. Members of the leftist elite must be pushed to a point where they can either acknowledge the failures of their leadership or face the consequences alongside the rest of us.

Rather than dismiss Huynh’s conversion as “too little, too late,” conservatives should welcome her and others like her with open arms. Their support is vital in the fight to restore fiscal responsibility, law and order, and a government that truly serves the people. By embracing these new allies, the conservative movement can strengthen its efforts to bring about meaningful change and ensure a brighter future for all Americans.

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