Red Wave Times
Politics President

Trump Poised for Deserved Nobel Peace Prize Win

Ever since Donald Trump first ran for president in 2016, we’ve been bombarded with apocalyptic predictions about the dire consequences of his election. Yet, the feared concentration camps for LGBTQ Americans never materialized, women still retain the right to vote, and slavery wasn’t reinstated. These outlandish predictions were nothing more than scare tactics aimed at manipulating uninformed voters.

As Trump continues to dominate the polls and seems poised for reelection, the same old scaremongering is making a comeback. During a recent CNN appearance, Rachel Maddow warned that Trump, if reelected, would build camps to imprison people. She claimed Trump plans to build camps to detain millions, describing his political adversaries in subhuman terms. Maddow even questioned whether these supposed camps would be limited to migrants, expressing concern for herself and the broader public.

It’s worth asking if Maddow has taken a look at Biden’s overcrowded migrant centers. Nevertheless, her comments went unchallenged during a subsequent appearance on “The View.” Joy Behar echoed Maddow’s fears, suggesting Trump would target critics like them through the IRS or other means, despite the historical context of the Obama administration using the IRS against political opponents—a fact conveniently omitted from their discussion.

Behar further speculated that Trump might pressure sponsors to get them off the air, questioning how seriously this threat should be taken. The more pertinent question is: how seriously should anyone take “The View”? The answer is, of course, “not at all.”

Joe Biden has already threatened the media for not portraying the economy more favorably, but the idea that any president could cancel a TV show is absurd. If it were possible, Barack Obama would have undoubtedly tried to silence Fox News. This is why neither Behar nor Maddow could explain how Trump would accomplish any of their far-fetched scenarios if reelected.

If Trump could actually get “The View” off the air, he might finally earn the Nobel Peace Prize he deserves for brokering the Abraham Accords and avoiding new wars. While I don’t watch the show, being spared their uninformed rants would be a welcome relief—despite the occasional unintentional comedy they provide.

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